Jacob Pankey, PA-C.

We are delighted to announce that Jacob Pankey, PA-C, has joined the Lux Dermatology team in Hanford, Visalia, and Porterville, California. Jacob brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our practice, and we are confident that he will make a positive impact on the lives of our patients.

With a Master of Physician Assistant Studies from Touro University Nevada and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno, Jacob's educational background reflects his dedication to both the medical field and scientific research. His emphasis in Biomedical Engineering further enhances his ability to provide comprehensive care to our patients.

Jacob's commitment to continuous learning and patient care is evident through his involvement in professional organizations such as the American Academy of Physician Assistants and his volunteer work at Volunteers in Medicine in Southern Nevada and The Center Las Vegas.

We are excited to have Jacob Pankey, PA-C, as part of our team, and we invite you to schedule an appointment with him at any of our locations. Jacob is now accepting new patients, and we are confident that his expertise and compassionate approach will ensure the highest level of care for all those who seek our services.