Annual Skin Cancer Screenings

Annual Skin Cancer Screenings in Santa Barbara, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Hanford, CA, Visalia, CA, Porterville, CA, Stockton, CA, Manteca, CA, Henderson, NV, & Sparks, NV

Skin cancer is the most common cancer. It’s also successfully treated when caught early enough. Our expert team at LUX Dermatology recommends that you have an annual skin care screening to detect skin cancer or precancerous lesions early. If you have a high risk of developing skin cancer, you’ll benefit from more frequent skin checks. Contact one of our convenient offices in Sparks and Henderson, Nevada, and in Stockton, Manteca, Santa Barbara, Bakersfield, Porterville, Hanford, or Visalia, California, to schedule your annual skin check. You can also use the online tool to schedule an appointment.

Annual Skin Cancer Screenings Q & A

  • Why should I schedule an annual skin cancer screening?

    Skin cancer is common but treatable when found early. An annual skin cancer screening is an opportunity for you to get a thorough review of your skin — even areas that are hard for you to see during a self-check. If a cancerous or precancerous lesion is found, you can begin treatment right away.

    You should make an extra effort to schedule annual skin cancer screenings if you have any skin cancer risk factors, including:
    ● Fair skin, red or blond hair, and light-colored eyes.● History of sunburns.● Living in a sunny climate.● Are out in the sun a lot.● Have several moles.● History of precancerous lesions.● Family history of skin cancer.● Weakened immune system.
    Schedule an immediate cancer screening if you find an abnormal skin growth during your own monthly skin self-exams.

  • How should I prepare for an annual skin cancer screening?

    It’s a good idea to do a self-check of your skin before your appointment. This way, you can point out areas of concern or bring your dermatologist’s attention to changes in moles or unusual spots.

    Take off nail polish, as skin cancer can form in the nail beds of your fingers and toes. Leave your hair down, too, as it’s easier for the doctor to examine your scalp, where skin cancer can also develop.

  • What unusual moles should I point out during an annual skin cancer screening?

    Most people have several moles on their body. These growths are usually harmless. But if you notice a mole displaying any of the following symptoms (known as the ABCDE rule), definitely point it out at your annual screening — or sooner if possible:
    ● Asymmetry.● Irregular borders.● Strange or changing colors.● Diameter of 6 millimeters (about a quarter-inch) or greater.● Changing shape, size, or color.
    Changes in a mole can indicate melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.

  • What happens during annual skin cancer screenings?

    Your annual skin cancer screening takes about 10 minutes unless you have a history of unusual moles and/or skin cancer.

    You change into a medical gown so that your dermatologist from LUX Dermatology can examine you from head to toe. They’ll pay close attention to areas of your body that you can have trouble examining yourself. Those areas include your scalp, buttocks, behind your ears, between your toes, and your back.

    If you have any suspicious spots, your dermatologist may take a biopsy — a sample of the affected skin that they send to a lab for analysis. You’ll be told of the results of the biopsy and, if it’s found to be cancerous, the next steps in your treatment.

Schedule your annual skin cancer screening today by calling LUX Dermatology or by using the online tool.