Eczema & Rashes Treatment in Santa Barbara, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Hanford, CA, Visalia, CA, Porterville, CA, Stockton, CA, Manteca, CA, Henderson, NV, & Sparks, NV

If you’re suffering skin itchiness, redness, and general skin irritation, it could be a sign of eczema. Eczema and rashes affect millions of people, including children. They can be managed by the expert dermatology team at LUX Dermatology. LUX Dermatology has offices in Sparks or Henderson, Nevada, and in Stockton, Manteca, Santa Barbara, Porterville, Bakersfield, Hanford, and Visalia, California. If you or a loved one has sensitive skin prone to eczema and rashes, call for an appointment today or book one online.

Eczema & Rashes Treatment Q & A

  • What is the difference between eczema and rashes?

    An allergic reaction or skin irritation can cause a rash. Some rashes develop in response to specific medications. It can also be a side effect of a disease like lupus and shingles.

    When a rash causes severe itching and doesn’t go away, it could be eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the most common kind of eczema and is characterized by redness, small bumps, and oozing pus. Eczema can also show up as hand or scalp rashes or rashes that leave a scaly plaque on your arms and legs.

    Eczema can develop in response to an allergic reaction to things like chemicals and cleaning products. It can also flare up in response to sweat, stress, and temperature changes.

    Genetics also plays a role in whether you develop eczema.

  • When should I be concerned about eczema and rashes?

    Eczema and rashes can make your skin feel extremely dry and itchy. Eczema can flare up for weeks or months at a time, causing symptoms that include:
    ● Itching that’s worse at night.● Red to brown-gray patches.● Thickened or cracked skin.● Raw and sensitive skin.● Small raised bumps.● Asthma or hay fever attacks.
    Eczema most often shows up on your upper chest, hands, feet, and neck. It can also show up on your face and scalp. Not all rashes are caused by eczema, but if you have bothersome, persistent skin irritation, it’s a good idea to be evaluated by the team at LUX Dermatology.

  • How are eczema and rashes treated?

    Many rashes get better on their own, especially when the irritant or allergen causing them is removed. The team at LUX Dermatology can help with topical medications or oral prescriptions.

    Eczema isn’t curable, but the condition can be managed so that you experience fewer, less intense flare-ups. Treatments that can be a part of your customized plan include:

    ● Prescription-strength antihistamines.● Oral or topical corticosteroids.● Antibiotic medications.● Antifungal creams.● Specialized moisturizers.● Wet dressings.● Light therapy.
    You’ll also learn about lifestyle changes you can make — like avoiding extreme temperatures and wind — to prevent eczema flare-ups and reduce their severity.

Let LUX Dermatology help you with eczema and rashes. Call the office nearest you today to set up your appointment, or use the online tool to schedule.